Email Address

Phone Number

(204) 998-3375

Our Location

Windsor, ON

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Welcome to BCA : Bridging
Cultures, Empowering Community

Welcome to the Bhutanese Canadian Association of Windsor and Essex County. Embrace the spirit of diversity and embark on a journey of connection and growth.

About Us

Wo we are?

The Bhutanese Canadian Association of Windsor and Essex County is a non-profit community organization that serves as a bridge between the Bhutanese and Canadian cultures in the Windsor and Essex County region. Founded in 2019, BCA strives to preserve and celebrate Bhutanese heritage while fostering integration and promoting a sense of belonging among its members. The association provides a range of services and programs designed to assist individuals and families in adapting to their new lives, cultural orientation workshops, employment support, income tax return and many other services. At the heart of BCA’s mission is the promotion of Bhutanese culture and traditions. The association organizes various cultural events, festivals, and performances, allowing Bhutanese Canadians to showcase and preserve their rich heritage and share it with the wider community.

BCA strives to empower individuals and families, foster intercultural connections, and build a brighter future for Bhutanese Canadians in Windsor and Essex County.

Our activities

Bridging Cultures, Empowering Community,
Building a Brighter Future

Founded in 2019, BCA serves as a vital bridge, connecting the Bhutanese and Canadian communities in the Windsor and Essex County region. Our mission is clear: to preserve and celebrate Bhutanese heritage while fostering integration and empowerment among our members.

Cultural Preservation and Promotion:

BCA is committed to preserving and promoting Bhutanese culture and traditions. Through various cultural events, festivals, and performances, we provide a platform for Bhutanese Canadians to showcase their rich heritage and share it with the wider community. We organize cultural workshops, dances, music performances, and art exhibitions to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Bhutanese traditions

Community Integration and Support:

BCA aims to assist individuals and families in adapting to their new lives in Windsor and Essex County. We provide cultural orientation workshops, language classes, and employment support to help community members navigate the Canadian society and job market. We offer guidance on healthcare, education, and social services, ensuring a smooth transition and promoting a sense of belonging among our members

Support our Mission

Make a Lasting Impact: Support Our Mission

Support our Mission: Help us make a lasting impact by supporting our initiatives. Your generous donations enable us to organize cultural events, provide essential services, and create opportunities for community integration. Every contribution, big or small, goes a long way in building a brighter future for Bhutanese Canadians in Windsor and Essex County.

Your Donation Can
Change Someone’s Life

"Give A Hand To Make
The Better World"

List Of Events

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for a lineup of exciting upcoming events that will immerse you in the rich Bhutanese culture, showcase vibrant performances, and create unforgettable memories.

Become A Proud Volunteer Now

Make a difference by volunteering your time and skills. Contribute to the success of our cultural events, workshops, and community initiatives. Whether you have a passion for event planning, teaching, or simply lending a helping hand, your involvement will have a meaningful impact on our community.

From The Blog

News & Articles

Stay informed and inspired with our blog, where we share stories, insights, and news about the Bhutanese Canadian Association of Windsor and Essex County’s vibrant community, cultural events, and initiatives.


Make your Valuable time ready for filing taxes on which our Volunteers are going to take care of. Event Details:  Date: Ongoing (Until tax season ends) Time: [Insert Time]  Location: Contact our featured volunteers What to Expect:  Convenient filing: All filing are handled on convenient of community. Book an appointment and ready to go.  High level of confidentiality: Our tax filed data […]



Join Us for Our Annual Dashain/Tihar Dhamaka on November 5, 2023! Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable celebration! Our Annual Dashain/Tihar Dhamaka is back, and it’s scheduled to be held on November 5, 2023 (Sunday). We’ve got an incredible day of full entertainment lined up for you, and we can’t wait to […]

BCA Organized Dashain-Tihar Cultural Program: A Celebration of Heritage and Community Unity

BCA Organized Dashain-Tihar Cultural Program: A Celebration of Heritage and Community Unity

On October 23, 2022, from 1 PM to 6 PM, the Bhutanese Canadian Association of Windsor and Essex County (BCA) hosted a mesmerizing Dashain-Tihar Cultural Program at 3211 Forest Glade Drive in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. This eagerly anticipated event brought together a diverse array of attendees, including esteemed dignitaries from various professions and fields, as […]